The rapid development of plastic cups and plastic caps

According to a latest statement released, from now until 2018, the global demand for plastic cups and plastic caps will be added at a rate of 5.9% per year.
The global market demand for all material cups and cup lids will increase by 5% one-time cups each year, reaching $25.9 billion by 2018. But in the same period, the market demand for plastic cups and plastic lids will increase by 5.9% year-on-year to reach US$13.9 billion, said Chen, the “Global Cup and Cup Cover Market Survey” released by Freedonia Group Inc. of Cleveland, USA. Said.
The demand for plastic materials will be promoted by the addition of beverage cups, especially the larger standard beverage cups. The pet cup lid push element also includes the addition of an extra cup lid, such as a leak-proof lid for preventing coffee splashes.
In terms of materials, the addition of polypropylene and PET will go beyond polystyrene.
The fastest-growing countries will be India and China, followed by Indonesia, Russia, Brazil and Mexico.


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